Wind direction using compass sensor

Make Code Converting degrees to four compass directions of N, S, E, and W Place Microbit face up, flat on a piece of carboard. Attach some paper in the shape of a triangle to help rotate the carboard piece with the wind. What shape is best for catching the wind and turning the device? in the correct direction? Mount the Microbit and cardboard on a stick. It might help to connect two paper cups together, place a stick through the cups, and mount the Microbit on top. As the microbit rotates around the stick, the compass heading changes and N, S, E, or W appears. If the compass is unsure, it shows an 'X.' The code could be changed so one microbit is outside, and sends the direction to another microbit inside the classroom. It could display the compass heading in numbers, arrows or letters. How might knowing the direction and speed of the wind help with the placement of a wind turbine for the school? Extension -- How might we use temperature, wind speed along with humidity to calculate wind chill?