How am I using Mirco-bits in the classroom

Mar 13, 2019 at 1:47 AM by Dan

I teach a grade 4/5 split and have been experimenting with Micro:bits in small group settings as I only have 10 of my own personal Micro:bits to use with my students. We use them as a way to enhance our science units - this year we incorporated them into our cardboard arcade games. Students used them as score keepers or to scroll messages across the LED's for the person playing their game. 

I have borrowed 30 more Micro:bits from another school to use with our Gr. 1/2 classes during their exploration of insulation and temperature - part of their learning about Canada's north. My grade 4/5 class will be programming the Micro:bits to display temperature and then helping their little buddies to measure the temperature inside and outside of their structures which have different types of insulation in them.

I am always looking for new ways to use the Micro:bits and I hope to add more to the number I have on hand to use with my students.

1 Reply

Mar 19, 2019 at 12:16 AM

Hi Dan, 

This sounds like a great idea. I think your students are really going to enjoy this. 
