Unit 3: Day 1
27.1 Discuss the Science, Software and Languages of the Web
- Have a student pull out a stopwatch on their phone
- Test how long it takes to open newZealand.com (or another far off country)
- Complain that ‘our internet is soooo slow’
- Then explain the process, how far the signal has to travel, how many hops on the journey, etc...
- So what is the world wide web? It is a combination of Protocols that govern the communication and the languages that allow you to write and control content.
- CSN-1.D.1: The World Wide Web is a system of linked pages, programs, and files.
- CSN-1.D.3: The World Wide Web uses the Internet.
- The origin of markup languages - discuss an old (pre-computer) book or novel. How many different type-faces are used
- Remind them about the Internet before Tim Berners Lee invented HTML
27.2 Internet Possibility Brainstorm
- Brainstorm all the things for which are only possible since the development of the Internet and its World Wide Web.
- Be sure to include less obvious uses such as Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing
- Widespread access to information and public data facilitates the identification of problems, development of solutions, and dissemination of results.
- Science has been affected by using distributed and “citizen science” to solve scientific problems.
- Citizen science is scientific research conducted in whole or part by distributed individuals, many of whom may not be scientists, who contribute relevant data to research using their own computing devices.
- Crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining input or information from a large number of people via the Internet.
27.3 Theory of the Internet Part 1
- Code.org has an excellent series of videos on Youtube called How the Internet Works that are specifically created to target the AP CS Principles outcomes. I will recommend watching one per class and then using that video’s content as the content for the day’s HTML lesson.
- My philosophy is to use serious content for the daily lessons and then give them more fun topics for their marked assignments and practice activities.
- Watch Code.org Video 1: What is the Internet [3:44]
- Warn your students that it starts off quite elementary but not to worry, the series ramps up the complexity soon.
- I also like to watch the first 5 minutes of the video The Web Is Not the Net [10:54] at some point (the second half is not as useful).
27.4 Introduce Replit.com
- Discuss downloaded tools such as Brackets, Dreamweaver, Notepad++ as used for web design
- Introduce replit.com if you have not already done so.
27.4 HTML Lesson 1
- Reminder: Fully completed lessons can be found in our In-Class Teaching Examples folder in our resource package. See the code in TheBasics subfolder in HTML Examples for something similar to what you will produce.
- Topics to Cover:
- File and folder structures
- Skeleton tags, body tags, etc.
- Basic text containers <p>, <h1>, etc
- I use w3schools to provide students with the templates. For lesson 1, I use their HTML Starter Page which is found under the “Try it Yourself” button on the first page of their HTML tutorial page.
- Use the content from the Code.org video
- Have them experiment with the other heading tags <h2>, <h3>, etc.
27.5 HTML Lesson 2
- Topics to Cover:
- Simple Styles in the Header
- Links
- Images
- Create a second HTML Page, this time using the w3schools CSS Starter Page from their CSS Tutorial
- Have them experiment with the colors.
- Create links on each page between the two pages.
- Add an image.
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