Unit 4: Day 3
42.1 Ex4 - Drivers Test
- Add a logo or image to begin. - I previously created a "CodeTrain Driver's School" logo that students could access. This is optional but it will help to review adding images a few times at the beginning of the unit.
- Add age andscore variables
- Ask the user their age using a window.prompt
- Then print the test type in Draw()
- Then ask a few questions using text lines and keyPressed
Drivers Test
//Global Variables
let logo;
let age = 25;
let testScore = 0;
function preload(){
logo = loadImage("images/DriverLogo.png")
}//end preloading of images and fonts
function setup() {
let sketch = createCanvas(600, 400);
age = window.prompt("What is your age?");
}//end setup
function draw() {
image(logo, 50,50);
fill(255, 255, 0);
if(age >= 16){
text("You are eligible for your full license." , 50, 200,);
} else if (age >= 14){
text("You are eligible for your Learner's license." , 50, 200,);
} else {
text("You are not eligible. Beat it loser.", 50, 200);
text("Your current score: " + testScore, 400, 380);
text("How many colors are there on a traffic light?", 50, 250);
text("Which color is in the middle of a traffic light? (type r, g or y)", 50, 275);
text("On what side of the road do they drive in Australia? (use the arrow keys)", 50, 300);
text("Are kangaroos eligible for driver tests? (type m for yes, or n no)", 50, 325);
}//end draw
function keyPressed() {
if(key === '3'){
} else if ( key === 'y' ){
} else if (keyCode === LEFT_ARROW){
} else if( key === 'n'){
}//end keyPressed
42.2 P5 Assign 2.1 Coolness Quiz
- Instructions for this assignment can be found in the folder: 1.4 - Year 1: Programming Part 2
- Students will likely need the just completed Drivers Exam example as a reference
- They will likely not finish within one class
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