Unit 5: Day 8
This lesson has been designed with flexibility in mind. You can:
- Give catch up time
- Introduce concepts from the Theory Unit.
If you have not watched the Big Data Revolution documentary yet, I highly recommend it.
59.1 Binary Search Review Using AP Classroom
- If you have access to AP Classroom, take a few moments to go over the Topic Questions for 3.11 Binary Search. There were 10+ sample multiple choice questions available at the time this document was produced.
- Think-Pair-Share: When to use binary search vs linear search emphasizing requirements.
59.2 Translator Assignment
- Give time to finish the translator assignment
59.3 Practice AP Create Task Written Response Questions
- The AP CSP Create Task will require students to write written responses, some of which directly involve lists. Using their Translator and/or other list assignments, discuss the answers to the questions below. Note that the are worded EXACTLY as they are in the AP documents so you can discuss how to interpret them.
- Capture and paste two program code segments you developed during the administration of this task that contain a list (or other collection type) being used to manage complexity in your program. Approx. 200 words (for all subparts of 3b combined, exclusive of program code)
- The first program code segment must show how data have been stored in the list.
- The second program code segment must show the data in the same list being used, such as creating new data from the existing data or accessing multiple elements in the list, as part of fulfilling the program’s purpose.
- Then, provide a written response that does all three of the following:
- Identifies the name of the list being used in this response
- Describes what the data contained in the list represent in your program
- Explains how the selected list manages complexity in your program code by explaining why your program code could not be written, or how it would be written differently, if you did not use the list.
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