Unit 1: Day 9
9.1 AP Theory Topic: Compression
- Now that they have been working with images for a while, it is time to get a bit deeper into a related concept: Compression
- Watch the video Crash Course Computer Science #21: Compression [12:48]
- Reinforce the following AP CSP Essential Knowledge Statements, adding notes where helpful:
- Data compression can reduce the size (number of bits) of transmitted or stored data.
- Fewer bits does not necessarily mean less information.
- The amount of size reduction from compression depends on both the amount of redundancy in the original data representation and the compression algorithm applied.
- Lossless data compression algorithms can usually reduce the number of bits stored or transmitted while guaranteeing complete reconstruction of the original data.
- Lossy data compression algorithms can significantly reduce the number of bits stored or transmitted but only allow reconstruction of an approximation of the original data.
- Lossy data compression algorithms can usually reduce the number of bits stored or transmitted more than lossless compression algorithms.
- In situations where quality or ability to reconstruct the original is maximally important, lossless compression algorithms are typically chosen.
- In situations where minimizing data size or transmission time is maximally important, lossy compression algorithms are typically chosen.
9.2 Image Compression Activity
- Found in the Shared Activity Folder (1.2 - Year 1: Programming Part 1)
- This can be completed as an individual activity or done together as a lesson in front of the group. It will need to be adapted for whatever drawing tools are available.
- Experiment with your tool first and then alter the file types to get the most dramatic differences.
9.3 Begin Processing Assignment 2 – Collector Card
- Instructions for this assignment can be found in the Shared Activity Folder (1.2 - Year 1: Programming Part 1)
- This assignment will usually take about 2 hours of class time
- Explain to the students that they should strive for something as complex as the Pokemon example shown but can get full marks for something much simpler.
- Discuss (Reverse engineer) the Pokemon example.
- How many different images are used?
- How many are reused? (Remind them they can use the same PImage variable but draw it multiple times.)
- How many different typefaces used?
- How many font sizes used?
- What other Processing ‘shapes’ are used?
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